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Method Consult Switzerland, Dr. Schendera is a independent service provider with over 25 years experience ... It all started, as so often, during university time ...

Dr.phil.Dipl.psych. Christian FG Schendera

SAS Expert, Data Scientist, Application Developer, Owner

2010 Doctorate "Cluster analysis" (MLU Halle) magna cum laude
1996 Psychology (Ruperto Carola Heidelberg), Focus: Research Methods, Statistics

Both degrees while working.

Author of eight books about data analysis and data quality.

    Core Competencies

  • Analysis: Data Mining, Advanced Analytics, Predictive Modelling, Data/Business Process Reengineering, Six Sigma (DMAIC), Visuals, Geo Visualization (GfK Maps).
  • Methods: Scientific Approaches, Research Methods, Statistics, CRISP, PoC/Evaluation, Construction / Communication of Knowledge, Presentation.
  • Data: Analysis, Mapping, ETL, Data Quality, Application Development.
  • Management: Data, Projects, People, Partners, Products, Business.
  • Business: Projects, Processes, Clients, Business / Decision Intelligence, Data Quality, Big Data (approx. 5,5+ billion data rows).
  • Systems: SAS (EG, EM, DI, JMP, Insight etc.) incl. Programming (BASE, SQL, STAT, GRAPH, Macro etc.). Also SPSS and R.
  • Verticals: All. Banking / Finance / Insurance preferred.

    Projects in a nutshell

    You will find more projects under Success Stories.

  • 2015

    Business: Projects for: N.N. (insurance in Cologne/Düsseldorf area, see 2014). Academic: Publication of "Deskriptive Statistik" (UTB Lucius). ISBN-13: 978-3-8252-3969-5.

  • 2014

    Business: Projects for: IMS Health GmbH & Co. OHG (Frankfurt), Allianz (ABSi/AMOS, München), WGZ Bank (Düsseldorf), N.N. (insurance in Cologne/Düsseldorf area). Academic: Publication of 2nd edition of "Regressionsanalyse mit SPSS" (DeGruyter). ISBN-13: 978-3-11-035985-5.

  • 2013

    Business: Projects for: i.a. Bayrische Versicherungskammer (Folgeauftrag), Zensus 2011 (Düsseldorf). Academic: Projects for: i.a. University of Education Zurich, CH (several projects), University of Education of Lucerne (CH).

  • 2012

    Business: Projects for: i.a. IT.NRW Düsseldorf (several projects). Academic: Projects for: i.a. University of Education Zurich (CH), University of Education Lucerne (CH). Publication of "SQL mit SAS: Band 2: PROC SQL für Fortgeschrittene" (Oldenbourg). ISBN-13: 978-3486586916.

  • 2011

    Business: Projects for: i.a. Wincor-Nixdorf, Santander Consumer Bank. Academic: Publication of "SQL mit SAS: Band 1: PROC SQL für Einsteiger". ISBN-13: 978-3486598407.

  • 2010

    Business: Re-Launch of Method Consult Heidelberg as "Method Consult Switzerland, Dr. Schendera". Projects for: i.a. Bayrische Versicherungskammer, Santander Consumer Bank. Academic: Doctorate in "Cluster analysis", degree magna cum laude.

  • 2009

    Business: Vice Director for Methods and Statistics in the department Media Research of GfK Switzerland, Hergiswil NW. Academic: Publication of "Clusteranalyse mit SPSS". ISBN-13: 978-3486586916.

  • 2008

    Business: Projects for: i.a. Bayer, Gerling, Roche. Closing of Method Consult Heidelberg (Germany). Academic: Publication of "Regressionsanalyse mit SPSS". ISBN-13: 978-3486586923.

  • 2007

    Business: Projects for: IBM Deutschland (Herrenberg), DAP Systems GmbH, Biomedical Informatics (Heidelberg), Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli GmbH (Aachen), Gerling (Düsseldorf), Institut für Prothetik, Würzberg), CARITAS (Freiburg), US Army. Invitation of Dr. Schendera to Switzerland. Relocation to Bern, later on to Hergiswil NW. CSC Switzerland: Advanced Analytics Expert. Academic: Publication of "Datenqualität mit SPSS". World-wide only title so far. ISBN-13: 978-3486582147.

  • 2006

    Business: Projects for: i.a. Vodafone, Gerling (Düsseldorf), Ministry of Culture of Baden-Württemberg. Opening of a local branch at Cologne. Academic: Lecture series on October, 14th and 15th, 2006 about "Versuchsplanung und Statistik, Block 1: Biomathematik und Informatik" im Rahmen der Reihe "Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung Med. Physik für Physiker".

  • 2005

    Business: Projects for: i.a. Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (D.I.E.), Versuchsanstalt der Hefeindustrie e.V. (Berlin), Heidelberger Brustkrebs-Studie ("Mistel-Projekt" der Ambulanz für Naturheilkunde Integrative Medizin (ANIMed)), Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Kulturministerium Baden-Württemberg (LMZ). Academic: Publication of: "Datenmanagement mit SPSS: Kontrollierter und beschleunigter Umgang mit Datensätzen, Texten und Werten." Heidelberg: Springer. ISBN: 3540258248.

  • 2004

    Business: Projects for: i.a. Berna Biotech Ltd. (Bern), HBC-radiomatic (Heilbronn), Initiative Media (Hamburg), Rhön-Klinik (Bad Kissingen), Kulturministerium Baden-Württemberg (LMZ). Opening of a local branch in Freiburg/B. Academic: Publication of: "Datenmanagement und Datenanalyse mit SAS: Vom Einsteiger zum Profi" bei Oldenbourg, München/Wien. ISBN: 3486275321.

  • 2003

    Business: Projects for: i.a. Barclaycard (Hamburg), Beiersdorf AG (Hamburg), Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (Salzgitter/München), Kulturministerium Baden-Württemberg (LMZ), Diabeteszentrum Krakow. Opening of a branch in Freiburg. Academic: Schweizerische Fachstelle für Alkohol und andere Drogenprobleme, Lausanne (Schweiz).

  • 2002

    Business: Projects for: i.a. Kulturministerium Baden-Württemberg (LMZ); Institut für Neurochirurgie der JWG Universität Frankfurt/M.; Kinästhetik-Studie der Klinken Ludwigsburg-Bietigheim; Projekt "Ernährung, körperliche Aktivität und Mammakarzinom" Frauenklinikum der Universität Heidelberg (Dr. med. Adzersen). Academic: Project "Angehörige von Personen mit Alkoholproblemen. Zur Messung der Partnerzentrierung." Schweizer Nationalfonds in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Bern (Schweiz). Psychologisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg: Modellprojekt "Evaluation der Familienmediation in der institutionellen Beratung" (Prof. Bastine, Dipl.-Psych. Römer-Wolf). Invitation to the 33rd Annual Conference of GAL in September 2002 in Cologne.

  • 2001

    Business: Institut für Seenforschung (Langenargen). Heidelberger Brustkrebsstudie (ANIMed, vgl. 2002). Psychologisches Institut der Universität Heidelberg. Academic: Several invitations for lectures: Presentation at the International Symposium "Deutsch im vielsprachigen Europa" on the 27.11.2001 at the Goethe-Institute Inter Nationes in Brussels (Belgium), Section II: Languages and Law; on invitation by the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache e.V. in collaboration with the European Parliament, the Goethe-Institute, and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Invitation to the Workshop of the Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Schloß Blankensee, Berlin; Presentation at the 32nd Annual Conference of Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL) e.V. on the 29.09.2001 at the University of Passau.

  • 2000

    Business: Analysis of market acceptance of Prosorba (medical technology). Academic: Forschungsprojekt "Perspektiven der schulischen Bildungs- und Erziehungsrealität von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit schwersten Behinderungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis" (PH Heidelberg in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport, 'AG Schwerste Behinderung').

  • 1999

    Academic: Advisor in scientific methods and data analyst for the DFG funded project "Zwillingsforschung" (Prof.Dr. H.Schöler, PH Heidelberg, Fakultät I, Psychologie im Fach Lernbehindertenpädagogik). Presentation held on the 05.05.1999 at the Germanistisches Institut, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. "Die Diskussion um die Verständlichkeit (normativer) Texte aus sozial- und rechtswissenschaftlicher Perspektive." Presentation held at the Critical Legal Congress, 18.09.1999 (London, UK). "Constructing definitions to prosecute the political enemy: National socialist legal theorists and 'their' language.".

  • 1998

    Academic: Graduation in Psychology with Diploma (Focus: Research Methods and Statistics). Several papers at the CLS Critical legal studies - Conference, 06./07.09.1998 (Lancaster, UK). "Review: Two decades of empirical research trying to improve the comprehensibility of texts of law: Dead end or starting point?" and "Legal texts and effects on the attitudes of their readers: The German asylum laws."

  • 1996

    Founding of Method Consult (Heidelberg), concurrent to studies.

  • 1995/96

    Collaboration in DFG Collaborative Research Centre 245 "Language and Situation" (B2) at the Psychological Institute, University of Heidelberg (Prof. CF Graumann).

  • 1993/94

    Collaboration in third party funded project "Comparison of the safety and efficacy of d-Sotalol and d,I-Sotalol in patients with life-threatening VT/VF" (Europe-wide multi-centric study), i.a. analysis of a prospective study about the psychosocial situation of heart transplant patients (Prof. Bergmann).

  • From 1990

    Advisor in scientific methods at the Psychological Institute, University of Heidelberg. Supervision of theses and dissertations. Tutorials about GLM with SAS 6.08 (WS 93/94, WS 92/93).

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